Chinese Tattoos

Chinese symbol tattoos
Chinese Symbol Tattoo
Chinese tattoos and especially the Chinese characters tattoo have been very popular in the Western world the last decade or so, and they still are today. Chinese characters are beautiful little pieces of art. They are exotic and mysterious, what makes them very suitable for a tattoo design. No wonder you see so many Chinese symbol tattoos around these days.
There's more to Chinese tattoos than just the symbol tattoos, although tattoos have quite a negative connotation in traditional Chinese culture. In fact, there was a belief that the body is a sacred gift from one’s parents and should not be altered in any permanent way – which of course includes tattooing.

Ci Shen - The Chinese Tattoo

Despite the negative connotation of the Chinese tattoo, there has always been tattooing in China. The Chinese word for tattoo is Ci Shen, literally meaning puncture the body.
The first Chinese tattoos were considered a punishment – sort of a mark of disgrace. Criminals were marked with a face tattoo and forced to live in exile. This practice is called Ci Pei in Chinese.
Even in modern China today, tattoos are considered to be connected with the underworld and triads somehow, although this attitude is slowly changing. Despite the dubious attitudes towards tattooing, there is some evidence that tattooing and other body art are making inroads among Chinese youth today.

Chinese Tribal Tattoos

The Chinese tattoo doesn't have a very interesting history, but there are several ethnic minorities in China who do have a strong tattoo tradition. The most important ones are the Drung, Dai and Li tribes.

 Drung Tattoos

The Drung are an ethnic group that live in the Yunnan province.
The woman of the Drung tribe used to tattoo their faces when they reached the age of 12, as a symbol of maturity. The tattoos were done between the eyebrows and around the mouth, resembling a butterfly or diamond design.
About 3 centuries ago, the women of the Drung tribe were often attacked by other ethnic groups and to avoid being raped, they used tattoos to make themselves less attractive. Some of these tribal tattoos resembled moustaches.
Of course, modern tattoo equipment was not available 300 years ago, thorns were used to puncture the skin and charcoal was used instead of tattoo ink.

 Dai Tattoos

The Dai are also an ethnic minority living in southern Yunnan. Children as young as 5 were tattooed, and then again at the age of 14, as a symbol of sexual maturity.
Men were tattooed on strong muscles, woman between the eyebrows or on the hand or arm. Black tiger tattoos or dragon tattoos were the most popular designs.
The people of the Dai tribe used their tattoos as a talisman, to keep monsters away.

 Li Tattoos

The Li are an ethnic group living in tribes on Hainan Island. Tattoos play an important role in the Li women's life (both sexes were tattooed, although it was more common for women) and their tattoo tradition can be traced back to 3000 years ago.
When girls reached the age of 12, they receive their first tattoos on the neck, face and throat. Over the next several years, the girl's arms and legs were tattooed as well. The tattoos meant that they were ready for marriage, they were a rite of passage.
Men were tattooed as well, but for medicinal purposes.

Chinese Symbol Tattoos

Chinese characters tattoo
Chinese characters tattoo meaning 'God'
Chinese symbol tattoos are popular among westerners, and it’s easy to see why. The art and symbols of the traditional Chinese culture are very suitable tattoo symbols, whose graceful lines lend themselves perfectly to the art of tattooing.
A word of warning though: research the Chinese character you are interested in thoroughly, you don't want to be the subject of a story like this one:
There was this article in the newspaper a couple of years ago about a teenager who paid $180 to have his arm tattooed with Chinese characters. He wanted the Mandarin characters for "Love, honor and obey" etched on his skin, but he got quiet a shock when he learned his Chinese tattoo really meant: "At the end of the day, this is an ugly boy". He found out the truth when he noticed the effect his tattoo had on a woman serving at a Chinese restaurant, who reluctantly translated the tattoo for him. Going back to the tattoo shop, he found out it had closed. He is now planning to spend over $1200 on laser tattoo removal.
If you are thinking about getting a Chinese writing tattoo, make sure you get your translation from a reliable source. Make sure your tattoo design really means what you think it does (by using our professional translating service)!
Also, make sure that the tattoo artist you select is able to reproduce the Chinese characters correctly. Find a tattoo artist who has had experience with Chinese characters tattoos and can render the characters the right way.

Hanzi and Kanji

Chinese tattoos
Lower Back Chinese Writing
Hanzi is the name for the traditional Chinese characters used in the official written language of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Chinese communities out of China.
There are about 47,000 Hanzi characters, but many of them are unused. To be fully literate, you need to know about 4000 of these Chinese characters. Most Chinese words are written with multiple characters, one for each syllable.
Besides traditional Chinese there is also Simplified Chinese, an attempt to increase literacy in China. Simplified Chinese characters have less number of strokes than traditional Chinese. They are used in mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore.
Here's an example, on the left (in black) is the traditional Chinese character for "Chinese", next to it (in red) is the simplified character:

Chinese characters tattoos

Here are the most popular Chinese symbols used as a tattoo and their meaning:
  • Chinese symbol for love:

    Chinese symbol for love

  • Chinese symbol for strength:

    The Chinese symbol for strength

  • Chinese symbol for peace:

    The Chinese symbol for peace

  • Chinese symbol for family :

    The Chinese symbol for family

  • Chinese symbol for courage:

    Chinese symbol for courage

  • Chinese symbol for dragon:

    Chinese symbol for dragon

  • Chinese symbol for friendship:

    Chinese symbol for friendship

  • Chinese symbol for faith:

    Chinese symbol for faith

  • Chinese symbol for hope:

    Chinese symbol for hope

  • Chinese symbol for sister:

    Chinese symbol for sister

  • Chinese symbol for zen:

    The Chinese symbol for zen

  • Chinese symbol for water:

    Chinese symbol for water
  • Chinese symbol for happiness:

    Chinese symbol for happiness

  • Chinese symbol for angel:

    Chinese symbol for angel
If you can't find the word you are looking for, don't worry, we can do a Chinese translation for you. It's also possible to transliterate names into Chinese symbols.
Kanji is the Japanese word for "Han characters" and are Chinese characters that are used in the Japanese writing system. Kanji are simplified traditional Chinese characters, but most of them have different simplifications than simplified Chinese. There are about 50,000 kanji characters.
Kanji are popular tattoo designs, not in China or Japan though, only in the West.

Chinese Dragon Tattoos

Chinese dragon tattoo
Chinese dragon tattoo
Chinese characters tattoos are not the only type of Chinese tattoo that is popular today. Chinese dragon tattoos are very popular as well.
The Chinese dragon is a long snake-like creature, usually with 5 claws and without wings.
As opposed to Western beliefs, the dragon in Chinese culture is a benevolent creature that wards of evil spirits. It symbolizes good luck, fertility, happiness and immortality.
In Chinese culture there is the belief that wearing the image of a dragon on you is considered very unlucky. The Chinese symbol for dragon on the other hand is considered lucky.
Sometimes you see a person with a tattoo of a dragon combined with the Chinese dragon character. This always reminds me of these picture books that are used to teach children how to read. Imagine a tattoo of an eagle with the English word 'Eagle' below it, kind of silly, not?

Chinese Tiger Tattoo

Chinese symbol for tiger
Chinese Symbol Meaning "Tiger"
Another popular Chinese tattoo is the tiger tattoo. The tiger is one of the animals of the Chinese zodiac. They are the 3rd animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.
Here are some supposed characteristics of people born in a tiger year:
  • Courageous
  • Self-reliant
  • Friendly
  • Hopeful
  • Vain
  • Lack of attantion and care

Chinese Tiger Tattoo 

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011 0 comments

Tribal Tattoos

Tribal tattoos have been in vogue for quite a while now (since the early 1990s) and while their popularity is diminishing, they are still going strong.

Lower Back Tribal

Advantages of getting a tribal tattoo:
  • There's a lot of black ink in tribal tattoos, which has the advantage that it holds up very well, black tattoo ink doesn't fade as fast as other colors.
  • Tribal tattoo designs are very popular, so as long as you don't want a specific or traditional tribal, you shouldn't have a hard time finding a good tattoo artist that can design your custom tattoo.
  • It's easier to design your own tattoo or at least a mockup of your own tribal than it is with other tattoo designs.
  • Tribal tattoos have a bold visual appeal: their thick, black curving lines and interlocking patterns lend themselves well to many of the standard tattoo locations, such as the upper arm (in the form of a tribal armband for example) ,the back or the lower back.

Disadvantages of tribal tattoos:
  • Tattoo removal is not working very good on those large patches of black ink.
  • Covering them up with another tattoo ain't working either.
  • Finding a tattoo artist or tattoo parlor is not easy when you want a traditional design of a specific tribe.
  • When you're getting a tattoo that is an imitation of a traditional tribal design, keep in mind that you might be insulting the original tribe members. This is especially the case with Ta Moko, which is a form of family and personal identification of the Maori people. Copying their designs is a form a identity theft.

In this gallery you will find some examples of modern tribals:

Click to enlarge...
Tribal Foot Tat Tribal Tattoo Tribal Shoulder Tattoo
Tribal Tattoo Pattern Tribal Color Tattoo Tribal Tattoo Pattern

The tribal styles we see today originate from various old tribes like those from Borneo, the Haida, the Native Americans, the Celtic tribes, the Maori and other Polynesian tribes.
The shapes and motifs of these tribal tattoos are deeply rooted in the tribe's mythology and view of the world. The traditional tattoo artist aims to reflect the social and religious values of the tribe in his tattoo designs. Recurring themes are the rituals of the tribe, the ancestors, the origins of the world and the relationship with the gods.

Tribal tattoo
The tattoos of an older Indian woman

What are tattoos used for in tribal communities?
  • Identification: each tribe and family has its own tattoo motifs. Tribal tattoos read like a book: they tell a lot about the origin and the social hierarchy of the person who wears them. Tribe members can identify each other by their tattoos, in this life and in the afterlife.
  • Social status: the style and size of a tribal tattoo says a lot about a person's social status in the group. A person with a big tattoo usually has a higher rank in the society compared to one with a simple tattoo.
  • Rite of passage: getting a tattoo is part of the ritual that turns a boy into a man, a girl into a woman.
  • Magic, healing and protection: tribal tattoos are believed to have magical powers. In some tribes the boy gets assigned a totem animal during his rights of passage. By tattooing that animal it is believed that the wearer inherits some of the powers of his totem animal.

Tribal tattoos

Modern tribal tattoos are generally speaking not strongly associated with any particular tribe and are usually stripped of their social meaning. Tribal tattoo art we see in the Western world today are often based on:
  • Polynesian tattoo designs
  • The tattoo designs of the tribes of Borneo, namely the Iban and Kayan (Sarawak) and the Kenyah (Kalimantan)

Tattoo artists like Leo Zulueta, an American with Filipino roots, and Alex Binnie, from London, had a great influence on the development of this modern tribal tattoo style.
Traditional application of a tribal tattoo
Traditional application of a tribal tattoo
Luckily for today's tribal tattoo lovers, the methods used to apply the tattoos have changed. Bone needles and plant or animal dyes have been replaced by tattoo machines and the circumstances in which a tattoo artist today works are generally more hygienic than those of a tribal community. Some people though, want to go all the way and prefer to be tattooed using the traditional methods.
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Getting Tattoo Mural on Sleeve?

There are several considerations to make before getting a tattoo mural on sleeve. Tattoo murals are a collage of tattoos, some on top of the others. There are people who are addicted to getting tattoos and they spend many hours in tattoo parlors getting tattoo murals.
People go for tattoo murals because they are very striking to look at. They are elaborate and complex and you need to study them carefully to understand what they mean. You can get tattoo murals in the same style or in different styles.
People go for murals in different styles when they have several styles they like and murals are the only way to incorporate them into one design. Some people get tattoo murals to tell a story. The representation of symbolism that murals achieve cannot be achieved by a single tattoo. However, the tattoo mural has to be done properly. If not, no one will understand what it is saying. People get Srtar and planet tattoo design on murals because no two murals are the same. Having a tattoo mural says a lot about your character and it says that you are not afraid to be different.
Tattoo murals are achieved after many visits to the tattoo parlor. In most cases, you will not even know the mural will look like because new designs are added as time passes. This means each tattoo mural has a story behind it. The murals attract a lot of attention as people try to decipher what they mean. There are several places where a tattoo mural is drawn. These include the whole back, the sleeves, and the legs. The tattoos that are inked on the arm are called tattoo sleeves. When getting a tattoo mural on sleeve, there are several things to consider.
You should consider the design flow. The tattoo mural on sleeve will be a product of different tattoos and you need to know how the best designs for the sleeve. Note that what works for the back and other parts of the body will not work for the arm since the surface area is different. Some symbols and designs are better on sleeves than others. The most common symbols on tattoo sleeves are tribal designs, names, animals, zodiac symbols, and religious symbols. The most difficult thing in the design of these tattoos is deciding how the symbols will fit together.
Various Cartoon heros inked on sleeve.
Another important consideration is the variety of colors you will use. Since you will have many tattoos meshed into one, you should pick colors that will not crush with each other, just like in a painting. Finally, another important consideration is your commitment level. Tattoo murals take years to complete and you should therefore be willing to spend many hours in the tattoo parlor and you must be prepared for the pain. A tattoo mural on sleeve will cost you a substantial amount of money since a simple tiny tattoo goes for as much as $50 and so you should be prepared for this. Pick the right tattoo mural on sleeve because removing a tattoo is painful and costly.
Colorful flower plants mural sleeve tattoo design.
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Friday, April 1, 2011 0 comments

5 Golden Rules on Choosing Your First Tattoo

Choosing first tattoo is a very serious affair and you need to think with a clear mind what you are going to ink on your body. We have heard of many people who have acted on impulse, walking into any parlor and choosing the first design that took their fancy. Well, let me assure you, that you will have regrets later. Tattooing is a permanent modification of your skin and you have to follow the five golden rules while choosing first tattoo.
Golden Rule One: Do not ever make the mistake of inking your partner’s name on your body. There can be no bigger folly than that. Let us hope that with God’s grace a marriage or a partnership lasts forever, BUT if something goes awry than it is just not fair to ask your subsequent partner to put up with a tattoo which reminds him/her of your previous partner. Nor is it fair to you. So let us not be hypocrites and let us be more practical. Hence a little thinking before inking will help you in choosing first tattoo.
Golden Rule Two: If you plan to ink a tattoo with foreign language lettering, then be very careful. If you are sure of your decision then get someone who knows the language to help you. For example if you are trying for Chinese lettering, then find a tattoo artist who knows the language and double check with another translator. No, this is not “much ado about nothing”. Let me recite an experience. A lady who wanted the freedom symbol in Chinese did not get her lettering right and instead inked a tattoo symbol which meant “free”. Imagine what mortification you will face if something like this happens. So while choosing first tattoo do be extra careful while choosing foreign symbols or lettering.
Golden Rule Three: The reason for tattooing is as important as the tattoo itself. If you are just following a trend or if it is just a passing fancy, then you will do well to get a temporary tattoo. Temporary tattoos and Mehendi art are beautiful art work but fade with time. This helps you to have a tattoo and yet get a new one as often as you like. Permanent tattoos are a kind of life style and should be inked only if you like body modification. Tattoos are also a representation of your character and values.
Golden Rule Four: Choosing first tattoo should be done with care, patience and involvement. Do not allow anyone to influence you. Introspect on your qualities and what you want the tattoo to depict before choosing the right design, color and size of your tattoo.
Golden Rule Five: However much you are tempted to get a tattoo inked for free by your friend, restrain yourself. Tattooing is done by insertion of needles in your body and it has to be done hygienically and properly if the tattoo has to look good forever and for the safety of your skin. So while choosing first tattoo, make it a point to choose a good professional tattooist.
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Sexy Female Tattoo Design Ideas

There are many female tattoo designs, but finding a female tattoo design that fits your specific requirements is difficult. Even if you consider different sources for ideas, it is hard to find something that suits your taste or personality. When looking for female tattoo design, do not settle for the first tattoo design you come across. There are many designs to choose from and if you search hard enough, you will find what you want. Tattoos are permanent and you do not want something you will hate the following morning.
You can look for ideas online. The internet is the best source of tattoo ideas because you get the ideas free of charge, it is convenient since you do not need to move around and because you can look at the tattoo ideas day or night, all year round, it is anonymous, and you get to compare many tattoo ideas from different parts of the world.
You should not been in a rush when looking for tattoo designs because there are many designs to choose from and because you may end up regretting your choice if you do not choose carefully. Removing a tattoo is very difficult and painful and you should get it right the first time.Photo of sparrow bird tattoo on girl.
You should not go for a female tattoo design just because it is popular – go for what you like. The best tattoos are unique tattoos that symbolize something and that are not easily misinterpreted. There are several popular tattoo designs you should consider. One of the most popular designs today is old sailor tattoos. Examples of these are readily available online.
The tattoo usually consist nautical symbols such as swallows, anchors, and other symbols. Although such tattoos were originally inked on men because they are considered to be masculine, women are finding unique ways to implement them fashionably, such as on their necks.
For those who want more feminine tattoo designs, heart and floral designs are very feminine. Note that most of the designs you will find in floral tattoo parlors are usually outdated and you should do the research online.
The designs on the internet are current and you can look at pictures to determine the most appropriate part of the body. Another popular design is Kenji tattoo art, which is Japanese. Kenji art, such as Koi fish, is not for everyone because the designs are intricate, meaning they need a large canvas such as the whole back. However, Kenji art can be incorporated into tattoo sleeves. The secret for success with a female tattoo design is to own the design. People will respect you when they see that your tattoo is unique.
A tattoo says a lot about your personality and having a common design says you are a copycat. To get a unique design, consider combining different styles, but do not overdo it. If you are having problems making a tattoo design your own, pick the design you like and have the tattoo artist make recommendations. You can come up with an original female tattoo design if you are bold enough.
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Ideas for Vine Tattoo Designs

Vines represent holiness and purity in different cultures and religions and this is the main reason for the popularity of vine tattoo designs. Vines also represent harmony, peace, progress, and growth. Before getting a vine tattoo, it is important that you research on what it means. This way, the tattoo will not be misinterpreted into what you did not intend it to mean and you will not need to undergo the costly and painful procedure of tattoo removal. Men and women can get vine tattoos, but most designs are for women because vines are not considered masculine.
There are many vine tattoo design ideas and this presents a dilemma to those who want to get the tattoo. When searching for vine tattoo design ideas, consider the sex, the body part where it will be inked, and the purpose of the tattoo. You should look at as many ideas as possible. You can get the information from magazines or from the books of your favorite tattoo artist, but the internet is the best place to make the comparisons. This is because the information is current and you get to look at ideas from different parts of the world. The internet is convenient since you can make the comparisons 24/7, all year round and because you can do this in the comfort of your own home. The internet has cost benefits because there is no travel required and because the information is free of charge in most websites, and the internet is anonymous. Full Rib cage Rose Vine Tattoo Design.
Vine tattoo designs in girls have different meanings. If you wan a pretty tattoo, you can have it on the shoulder blade or the ankle. If you are going for an aura of mystery, you should have the tattoo on your hip. A vine tattoo on the hip also brings out the seductive charm of the woman. Many women go for a vine tattoo on the hip because the hip is fleshy, meaning the process is less painful. The most common vine tattoo designs on the hip are star tattoos and flower tattoos.
Another common part for a vine tattoo in girls is the wrist. You should only go for this option if you want the world to see the tattoo. You should therefore choose a tattoo that is not subject to misinterpretation and one that you will not get tired of quickly. A common tattoo design for wrist vine tattoos is lettering being incorporated into the tattoo. Another visible body part where girls ink vine tattoo designs is the neck. The bohemian style goes well with a vine tattoo on the neck. In this style, the vine starts from the shoulder blade and ends at the neck’s nape. However, note that neck tattoos are usually painful and there is need for a lot of caution from the tattoo artist. For men vine tattoo designs, there is need for thorough research on an appropriate design. Go for masculine vine tattoo designs such as a vine entangled on a barbed wire. For the best vine tattoo designs, talk to a tattoo artist about what you want – they have the experience and skills to deliver exactly that.
Stencil and real tattoo of Vine at foor.
A small colorful vie tattoo on girl's ankle.
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Baby Angel Tattoo Designs

Angels can symbolize a religious belief or alternatively they can impart some protection and blessing and it is for these reasons that baby angel tattoos are becoming more popular. Most people who have experienced an awakening or religious rebirth might prefer having a baby newel design to show a new path or their growth. Using posture and countenance angels are able to project such feelings like righteous action and vengeance, mercy and compassion. Biblical mythologies or stories of angels often create the basis for bigger tattooed images and in case you have ideas of a big piece bearing angels, it is best that you show angels that display the characters that you really admire about angels or alternatively they could show a part of a particular story that caught your attention.
A popular sleeping baby angel tattoo design on man's calf.In the contemporary culture of the western world, angels are most of the time shown as being youthful, in different ages from babyhood to energetic adulthood. Wings with white feathers are universal to many angels that shown within the European and American cultures. In some instances angels  it is common for angels to be shown having extended hands either showing mercy or in surrender or they could be holding their hands together in reverence and prayer. When there is much retribution, the angel is going to be shown having an adult form of the male gender and vice versa.
There are different formats of baby angel tattoos. Parents normally use them to show that another child is born. The tattoo of a baby angel having wings as well as a glowing ring round their head in some instances can be accompanied by the birth date and name of the new baby. Cherub tattoo is another name of the baby angel design. both women and men love angel tattoos. People see angels as God’s messengers and they also link the earth and the heavens. Getting cherub or baby angel tattoo also shows your spirituality.
There are quite a number of angel designs available for the lay person but among these the cherubs are the ones that most people choose. Unlike what most people think, cherubs do not really belong to the baby angels category- they are tinier angels. Most people know of the cherub angel as compared to all other cherub angels. Cupid is a symbol of love. Most of the times you get to see cupid bearing an arrow that he shoots inside your heart to ensure that you fall for another person.
Fantastic flying baby angel tattoo at the back of girl's left ear.
The male baby angel kissing female baby angel tattoo design on man's inner arm.One of the reasons as to why cherub tattoos are preferred by many people is that one can have them done on quite a number of body parts. It is possible to have a beautiful cherub tattoo done on your shoulder or chest. They also make great ankle or wrist tattoos due to their size. In case you decide to combine clouds with the cherub, hearts as well as other kinds of symbols you will be in a position to come up with a special design that actually has a meaning for you.
Ensure that the design you choose shows what you feel. Do not just choose a design just because another person has it or just because it is beautiful. Choose a design that is able to tell your story. When a person asks you the reason for having your cherub tattoo you want to be in a position to describe its meaning to you. When your design of baby angel tattoos is unique, your tattoo will be more meaningful and personal to you.
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Cute Little Mermaid Tattoos

Many people say that the body makes for the deal blank canvases that the world can ever offer for such things as mermaid tattoos. Numerous forms of art are being created on people’s bodies presently. To people who do not want to have a colorless and dull life anymore often want to come back to life and have meaning and color in their lives as well as be able to show their feelings or their true self to other people,  the beautiful and popular mermaid tattoo is the one that works for them.
Initially, the first thing that a person should be aware of is everything that is entailed in a tattoo. Primarily a tattoo is made using indelible ink. Tattoo designers or artists consistently develop different attractive and beautiful shades and colors that will cater for every person’s tastes. The ink is then injected into the pores of the skin by use of a very sharp needle. It should be noted at this point that the artist will prick the skin a number of times on the very same spot. This is just to ensure that the ink makes its way into the skin and gets to the dermis which is its end destination. After it gets to the dermal layer of the skin it shall stay there on a permanent basis and will only be seen on your skin’s surface because of the change in pigmentation that is going to occur. Therefore in case you have thoughts of having a tattoo you should put some more thoughts into it as the experience can be quite painful for people who are doing it for the first time.
Image of Little mermaid cartoon movie.As mentioned above, the mermaid tattoo is among the extremely popular tattoos. Two main reasons for this are glamour and beauty. The mermaid is a representation of a number of mysterious and wonderful elements that most people connect with, represent and love. In the ancient times the mermaid stood for mystique and elegance and furthermore served as the symbol of the ocean in some cultures and countries. People of old think of the mermaid as being sacred and able to guard their seas as well as offer fishermen bountiful catches. However, the mermaid represents danger n a few stories. According to the stories, the mermaid could convince the sailor jump out of the boats into the deep seas by use of its beauty and that would be the last time that the sailors would be seen again. Regardless of the reason, present day tattoo lovers still think that the mermaid tattoos as being among the ones that grab people’s attention.
Real looking large mermaid tattoo design on lower back.
This sort of tattoo also excites artists and is fun for them to create as well because it comes with quite a number of images that can be created. Basically there is n limit to the imagination. A tattoo artist intimated that he commonly gets a tattoo that entails a mermaid sitting by the seashore on top of a rock, combing it flowing, beautiful and long hair. However, for an unknown reason the mermaid tattoo is preferred more by women more as compared to men and a reason could be the feminine aspect that is brought on by the mermaid.
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Meanings of Aboriginal Tattoo Designs

Aborigines are people who originally came from Australia and they boast of unique cultural aspects among them the aboriginal tattoo. For quite a number of years, all of the diverse groups and tribes came up with unique cultures that were completely different from others in the world as well as from among themselves. Art bears much significance to them and this is religiously, personally and traditionally.
Artwork from the Aborigines is normally used in traditional rituals and ceremonies. The artwork is usually done on people, on barks, trees, stones and inside the sand. Most probably, body painting presents the oldest kind of art as far as the Aborigines are concerned and this is still the situation today.
Body painting, just as with tattooing, makes use of symbols and designs to decorate human forms. Aboriginal designs are mostly complex and elaborate, and makes use of cross catching, dots and lines to make beautiful images and patterns. The designs only make use of a few colors because natural supplies such as ash, blood and clay are not in abundance.
Due to the fact that dreams and nature are quite significant to the Aborigine culture, the clans from the tribe frequently incorporate these images into their artwork. Landscapes are normally used when dreams or stories are being told and are usually shown using aerial views. Another tradition that is incorporated into the art is showing the animal’s insides within its shape’s outline. Fish, birds and land animals are commonly drawn using visible organs and a skeleton. In the same way, human females entail a visible womb. Artists in some instances make use of their hands Monkkey Abortiginal tattoo symbolto act as stencils to be used for the formation of another image’s outline, for instance a print drawn from the hand made to resemble a bird. This shows the connection existing between the aboriginal tattoo and nature, which the Aborigines regard very highly.
A big part of artwork from the Aborigines is private and only one specific clan that makes it knows it. Due to this fact, Aboriginal artwork entails two meanings. The first entails knowing of the symbols generally both outside and inside the culture. In some instances, the symbols can be seen easily while in other instances the group explains them, thereby sharing this part of their unique culture with people from the outside world. The second on the other hand is known to the particular tribe it originates from and cannot be revealed to other people and this includes other Aborigines. It meaning is religious and personal and is only for a particular group and therefore remains a secret. So as to keep these secrets, historians of the art world are of the belief that the artists include more dots which is a distinctive trait belonging to Aboriginal art which is a means of concealing and hiding the true significance of the artwork and not just for decorative purposes. For some the dots are significant on their own and their use is not for camouflaging cultural secrets but come with their own secret meaning.
Red and Black Ancient Aboriginal tattoo symbol.
Modern tattoo designs from the Aborigines have their basis on these historical methods. Despite the fact that many traditional Aborigines are not tattooed in line with culture, A number of tribes make use of ritualistic cutting or scarification to have their bodies decorated permanently. People go for Aboriginal artwork as a means of expressing the beliefs they have on the connection existing between man and nature shared by a number of Aboriginal cultures. Additionally, the Aborigines could want to look into their customs in a way that suits their lifestyle better such as having an Aboriginal tattoo.
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