Art Designs
Like roots made of lightning bolts the Volcom Featured Artist Series has been alive and growing for over ten years. Its purpose of providing vast and expansive new canvases for artists to spread their vision is alive with vigor. Since 1995, Volcom has lent it�s fabric and ink to artists with imagination and foresight to add color, depth and contrast to a planet that can never have enough.
For Spring 2009 Volcom is proud to present our first ever all female Featured Art Collection. This collection incorporates female artists from around the world creating featured art designs using their creative freedom to develop a unique Volcom piece.
Volcom Girls Spring 2009 Featured Artist are: Foi Jiminez, Mel Kadel, Lori D, Dashenka, Emily Hoy, Imok, Niki Kelce and Susan Maddux. This collection is now in finer stores everywhere!
For Spring 2009 Volcom is proud to present our first ever all female Featured Art Collection. This collection incorporates female artists from around the world creating featured art designs using their creative freedom to develop a unique Volcom piece.
Volcom Girls Spring 2009 Featured Artist are: Foi Jiminez, Mel Kadel, Lori D, Dashenka, Emily Hoy, Imok, Niki Kelce and Susan Maddux. This collection is now in finer stores everywhere!
Monday, November 29, 2010 Art Designs 0 comments